And Then There Was Six

STS103 Hubble servicing mission images provided the corroborating evidence I had been seeking for so many years. Definitive proof of a structured object in orbit was more than I ever expected to deliver. It was the crowning achievement of my UFO investigation of the millennium and I didn’t ever think I could top what was uncovered in 2012.

The first entity I thought I might have identified goes back to 2014, in STS103-734-69. in the ‘cockpit’ area of the craft.

Entities at windows obscuring the light escaping in NASA frame STS103-734-58.

Next was the revelation that entities were gathered by windows at the bottom of STS103-734-58 when I identified the shadowy features of a head and body at a window. There are multiple entities but I can only make out one humanoid shape among them so I am counting him as one. So that’s two. Then of course there is ‘Adam’ and ‘Buzz’ seen at the top left in both frames 58 and 59, bringing the total to four entities identified in these mission images so far. Then on frame STS103-734-73 a head and shoulders were identified at a small window on the structured craft as it goes to pass under Hubble. By my count, that’s five so far. Next, we have frame 57 complete with the number six seen bottom left. It would appear that Discovery was ‘boxed in’ by at least two alien craft during this time. I will be elaborating on this more soon and still adding images to this article. But I count six so far. And what really struck me about these entities was my preconceived description of their identifiable features was accurate. Even down to their skin tone seen under yellow lighting. More on this soon!

That’s five. And then less than a week ago, yet another entity was identified in the frame at a window.

You are number six….complete with a shadow under head. I named this one ‘Arthur’

On December 14th, 2021, I hired a freelancer to bring this detail into greater clarity and this is the result

The search for life elsewhere in

the universe is now officially over.

More information is currently being added for public presentation.


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